Woods and Peggy Allen
[email protected]
Deacon Ed’s Food Bank, Helping Hand Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul Ministry will sponsor the annual Thanksgiving Basket drive, which provides Thanksgiving food for needy families. The Young Vincentians also help us with this Thanksgiving Basket.
You can purchase a Thanksgiving dinner for a family for $50 or donate goods for the baskets. Checks payable to St. Francis Xavier (earmarked “Thanksgiving Basket”) can be put into the collection at Mass or dropped off at the Parish Center. Canned goods can be left at church or the Parish Center. Let’s help the poor celebrate Thanksgiving by participating in these outreaches.
In this year 2020, we hope that our Thanksgiving basket can go forward even if adults have to do the sorting work and the Young Vincentians are NOT be able to assist.
Thanks to the generous parishioners of our St. Francis Xavier parish for donating food items for our Thanksgiving Basket Drive and donating money for Thanksgiving Dinner gift certificates for needy families. Our parish is blessed greatly by the kind generosity of our parishioners and many volunteers who help with our parish ministries.